International law firm Dorsey & Whitney LLP announced today that 99 lawyers in the Firm’s Minneapolis office have received recognition from the North Star Lawyer Program of the Minnesota State Bar Association (#NorthStarLawyer) for their pro bono work in 2018. Each of these 99 lawyers contributed at least 50 hours of pro bono legal service to the disadvantaged in our community.
“Community is a Dorsey core value, and pro bono work is one of the most important ways we give back to the community”, said RJ Zayed, one of the Firm’s Co-Pro Bono Partners. “Dorsey was an original signatory of the American Bar Association Law Firm Pro Bono Challenge back in 1993. Every year since then, we have surpassed the Challenge by devoting more than 3% of the Firm’s total billable hours to pro bono. The Minneapolis lawyers recognized for doing more than 50 hours of pro bono in 2018 set a great example, but they are not alone. In 2018, Dorsey lawyers across the Firm performed a total of 35,322 hours of Challenge pro bono work!”
Dorsey’s North Star Program honorees include:
- Briana Al Taqatqa
- Daniel Andersen
- Paul Beck
- Brian Bell
- Christopher Bercaw
- Rebecca Bernhard
- Ian Blodger
- Sam Bolstad
- Timothy Branson
- Michael Brey
- Trevor Brown
- Erin Bryan
- Nick Bullard
- Jeff Cadwell
- Tien Cai
- Marilyn Clark
- Clint Conner
- Cathy Dahl
- Lillian Dobson
- Timothy Droske
- Michael Drysdale
- Skip Durocher
- Nathan Ebnet
- Evan Everist
- Payton George
- Hallie Goodman
- Timothy Goodman
- Michelle Grant
- David Green
- LB Guthrie
- Christina Hanson
- Andrew Holly
- John Huerter
- Alex Hontos
- Caitlin Hull
- Samir Islam
- Alan Iverson
- Alison Jarzyna
- Kathryn Johnson
- Paula Kanne
- Ben Kappelman
- Jillian Kornblatt
- Jim Langdon
- Daniel Lenhardt
- Jay Lindgren
- Evan Livermore
- Lincoln Loehrke
- Nathaniel Longley
- Stephen Lucke
- JoLynn Markison
- John Marsalek
- John Marti
- Peter Mayer
- Michael McCormick
- Catlan McCurdy
- Lawrence McDonough
- Saiko McIvor
- Chelsea McLean
- Ryan Merker
- Marcus Mollison
- Laura Morgan
- Katina Peterson
- Katie Pfeifer
- Michael Pignato
- Matthew Ralph
- Melissa Raphan
- Leonard Rice
- Lauren Roso
- Michael Rowe
- Erik Ruda
- Eric Ruzicka
- Kevin Schaekel
- Kirsten Schubert
- Alex Sellke
- Christopher Shaheen
- Jesse Sheedy
- Eric Sherman
- Rhonda Skoby
- Phil Steger
- Jaime Stilson
- Mike Stinson
- Alex Stoflet
- Mary Streitz
- Jack Sullivan
- David Swanson
- Vanessa Szalapski
- Forrest Tahdooahnippah
- Tom Tinkham
- Claire Topp
- Tiana Towns
- David Trevor
- Gary Tygesson
- Jonathan Van Horn
- Thomas Vander Molen
- Cody Wamsley
- Natasha Wells
- Steven Wells
- Adam Wickens
- Colin Wicker
- RJ Zayed
- Alysia Zens