The presentation provided an overview of how the courts are considering these disruptive technologies as they mature into the consumer marketplace now and in the future. Dorsey presenters examined best practices for companies to adjust their legal strategies to avoid and combat litigation, and cover current efforts by leaders in the field.  Key points from this presentation included:

  • AI may change intent and knowledge standards for IP infringement in new ways, possibly making it harder to prove patent infringement and trade secret misappropriation.
  • Smart devices in products as part of Internet of Things may be targets for both old and new patents because of the connected nature of their technologies.
  • Cryptocurrencies have yet to establish an IP framework, so while emerging products utilize the open source nature of software they may still be patentable, so need to be mindful of emerging players and foundational patents that may impact ability to enforce and defend IP rights as the market grows.

Gina Cornelio and Jeremy Elman, Dorsey & Whitney LLP

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